Our Board of Directors

Ottawa-Carleton Lifeskills is led by a strong and dedicated volunteer Board of Directors. Our Board members bring many years of business and non-profit experience, which have proved invaluable to the growth and success of the agency.

Board of Directors

Chair – Robert Dupuis 

Education: BA Communications, University of Ottawa 

Employment: Regional Director, Eastern Region, Labour Market Programs, Ministry of  Training, Colleges and Universities; Manager, Municipal Services, Eastern Region,  Ministry of Community and Children’s Services; Manager, Apprenticeship Branch  Eastern Region. Robert has also held a variety of management and policy positions in  the provincial government in Toronto, primarily in training and employment programs. 

Fun Fact: Robert enjoys riding his motorcycle, especially on long trips, and enjoys  cooking for family and friends. 

Meghann Darroch (Vice Chair) 

Meghann Darroch is a Population Health Lead with the Ottawa West Four Rivers  Ontario Health Team. She has developed a wealth of experience across several sectors  over the past 20 years with strong relationships and ties within Eastern Ontario. She  has worked on initiatives in the homelessness, community development, and mental  health, addictions, and substance use health sectors, among others. Her background is  strongly rooted in community development and social determinants of health work within  community services and regional systems planning. She is an active volunteer, low  maintenance nature lover, partner to a superhero and mother to two beautiful boys. 

Christine Lund (Secretary) 

Education: Diverse array of post secondary education and background in Human  Services, Project management, and Information Technology. 

Employment: Senior Policy Analyst and Business Planning and Enablement Manger  with Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada, a not-for-profit organization for Inuit women. 

Fun Fact: Christine is from a large family of nine. Several of her siblings and family  members are Nunavumiut (Inuit from Nunavut) and several siblings have various  cognitive disabilities or physical disabilities. Christine enjoys activities with her family,  connection to the land, and working on traditional women’s crafts. 

Madhu Nagpal (Treasurer) 

Bio coming soon.



Members at Large 

Miriam Fry 

Education: B.A. French Literature, Carleton University, M.A. Public Administration,  Carleton University, Certificate, Fundraising Management, Ryerson University 

Employment: Previous Executive director of Families Matter Co-operative. Miriam was  one of the authors of “Ending the Wait”, which led to the province’s Housing Task Force.  Before that, Miriam spent over 25 years at the CBC, as a journalist and journalistic  manager. Volunteer activities include Committee Development Chair and a Vice  President of the Council on Aging of Ottawa and Board Member. In addition to  President of OCL’s Board, Miriam sits on the Advisory Committee of Doors Open  Ottawa and was a long-time volunteer English language tutor. 

Fun Fact: Green eyes, left-handed and very nosy. That probably makes Miriam part of a  very small percentage of Canadian women. 

Susan Bihun 

As a Principal with the Toronto based Osborne Group, Susan has worked extensively  with not for profit agencies in a range of projects across Ontario specializing in agency  amalgamations. She has a Masters in Public Administration which has greatly  enhanced her ability to work effectively with the many agencies she has assisted. Prior  to her work with the Osborne Group, she was the Director (East Region) Ontario  Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. Susan and her husband Gordon  live in Ottawa (Orleans) and enjoy an active life at their cottage during the summer and  skiing in the winter. Her volunteer experience has included United Way Ottawa, Hire  Immigrants Ottawa, Nepean Ottawa Diving Club and the Canadian Amateur Diving  Association (Ontario). She is very committed to Ottawa Carleton Lifeskills mission of  supporting adults who have a developmental disability. 

George Jacobson 

Education: MBA Finance John Molson School of Business, Concordia University,  Certificate in Business Intelligence – Montreal Technical College. 

Employment: Thomson Reuters Inc. – Quality Assurance, Montreal, Quebec,  Consultant – Business Intelligence / Investment, Montreal, Quebec and Denver,  Colorado, Project Manager, Soluxions Inc., Denver, Colorado and Miami, Florida 

Fun Fact: Antique Map collector, avid walker (preferably on the beach).

 Jack Stilborn 

Education: Ph.D. (political philosophy) from the University of Western Ontario, degrees  from Oxford University (Politics and Philosophy) and the University of Saskatchewan  (Political Science, English Literature). 

Employment: Retired Principal Analyst, the Library of Parliament Research Service  following a career working with parliamentarians on issues of constitutional politics,  public administration and parliamentary governance. Previously worked at Treasury  Board Secretariat, Public works and Government Services, Ministry of the Solicitor  General and with the Ontario Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs. 

Fun Fact: Keeps busy cycling, kayaking and trying to write the great Canadian novel.

Kate Agyemang 

Education: Honours B.A., Psychology (magna cum laude), Honours B.Soc.Sc in Human  Rights & Conflict Studies (cum laude), and Juris Doctorate – Common law (cum laude),  all from the University of Ottawa. 

Employment: Senior Associate Lawyer, Labour and Employment Law – Borden Ladner  Gervais (BLG) LLP. Kate’s bilingual practice is devoted to providing real-world advice to  a broad range of Canadian and international businesses seeking to effectively manage  workplace issues from contract to courtroom, in a responsive and pragmatic way. She  has a particular focus on healthcare, non-profits, and specialized technology and legal  environments. Before pursuing a career in law, Kate also worked with various national  non-profits, municipalities, and healthcare organizations in disability program delivery  and management, including front line programs dedicated to supporting people with  developmental and cognitive disabilities.  

Fun Fact: Kate is mother to two young boys, and met her husband abroad while  volunteering in a respite home in Ireland. She embraces having no free time at this busy  phase of life but tries her best to get the family outside to ski whenever her kids will  tolerate her excitement for winter, the cold, and snowpants. 

Fahad Sami 

Bio coming soon. 

Robert Froom 

Bio coming soon.