Improving the quality of life for individuals with developmental disabilities since 1985.
Since 1985, OCL has been offering adults with developmental disabilities encouragement, opportunities and experiences through programs where they can grow, learn and thrive.
OCL serves more than 200 individuals through a broad spectrum of programs including residential and day support.
Developmental Disabilities
- Down Syndrome
- Autism
- Asperger Syndrome
- Dual Diagnosis
- Bipolar
- Seizure
- Psychotic
- Personality
- Panic
- Anxiety
- Reactive Detachment
- Oppositional Defiance Disorder
- Blind
- Deaf
- Non-verbal

Self-development, self-determination and community inclusion.
OCL employs a Person Centered Approach (PCA) which promotes self-development, self-determination and community inclusion for the individuals with developmental disabilities who we support.
Through individualized services and supports, OCL’s philosophy on Person Centered Approach allows goals to be centered on the person as opposed to processes. All goals are specific to the person keeping in mind their culture, beliefs and goals.
Contact Information
9 – 1 Brewer Hunt Way,
Kanata, ON K2K 2B5
Fax: 613.254.8414